Thursday, 12 November 2015

London Student Volunteering Fortnight - The Clothing Challenge

For 139 years the Whitechapel Mission have been serving the homeless and marginalised– through a day centre, skills training and career advice, activity programmes and specialist support for complex needs. Open every day of the year, the Mission make a positive and lasting difference to the 300+ homeless who ask for their help and come through their doors on a daily basis.
 The Mission could not do this without support from volunteers. In 2014-15 QMSU Volunteers gave up 790 hours of their time to help support the fantastic work of the Mission.
As part of the Clothing Challenge volunteers sort, measure, size, and hang donated clothing, ready for distribution for the local homeless. It sounds like a small task but it's one that makes a huge improvement to the self-esteem, comfort and future prospects of local homeless individuals.

As part of London Student Volunteering Fortnight 9 volunteers this time not just from Queen Mary, but from a whole range of other London Universities including Kings, LSE, City and Imperial, came together to volunteer at the Clothing Challenge at the Whitechapel Mission.

Winston Lo, a Geography student from Queen Mary, tells us about the volunteering experience:

“In the midst of the fresh drizzle of an autumn morning, were eagerly waiting in anticipation of the Clothing Challenge at the Whitechapel Mission.

The early start did little to discourage the enthusiasm, as the excitement of the volunteers was infectious. This atmosphere was further heightened as the lovely staff at the Whitechapel Mission gleefully welcomed us, introducing the wonderful facets of the charity and their activities.

Soon after, we were acquainted with our clothes stations, where we would be spending the succeeding hours sorting, measuring, sizing and hanging donated clothing ready for distribution to the local homeless. The clear instruction was to only process clothes we would be “proud to be seen with our partner wearing”; to our amusement. The staggering plethora of clothes led to the inception of a small fashion show amongst the volunteers, parading the most daring and outrageous items of clothing, resulting in hilarious photos.

Before we knew it, our time at the Whitechapel Mission was ending. The feeling of disappointment of the conclusion of our volunteering demonstrated the unanimous consensus of how marvellous our morning was, working towards a truly worthy cause.

On behalf of all the volunteers I express my deepest gratitude to the Whitechapel Mission for allowing us to participate at the charity. We departed inspired, ardent to engage in more volunteering in the future.”

Other volunteers who took part said “It was a good opportunity to take hours out of a busy study schedule to give back to the community” and “finding out that there are so many people who are willing to help out the needy and disadvantaged inspired me to do my part in making the community I live in a better place to live”.

Pictures from this opportunity are available on the QMSU Volunteering Facebook page